Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Impact Service Project

Packing Operation Christmas Child Boxes

Saturday, November 22nd from 9:30 am - 12:30pm

@ Creekside in Alamo

SIGN-UP ASAP so we have enough drivers!!!

Drop-off & Pick-up will be at Hope Center.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014


Hey Impact Parents!

Fall is here and cold days, holidays and 2015 are right around the corner!  What an exciting time of the year and an exciting season of ministering to students!! 

Last year we ran an experiment by canceling our youth ministries worship service on Sunday morning during the advent season (December).  As a result we were able to experience the blessing of worship God and waiting for Christmas together, as the extended family of God.  I’m excited to announce that we are going to do the same again this year. 

I know this may be difficult for some students and families because it’s just not what we’re use to.  However, we feel that it is important to be together at certain points during the year and we want students to be both experienced and comfortable with the larger worshiping community at Hope Center. 

I’d like to encourage you to encourage your son or daughter to join us for this year’s Advent Celebration.  Some may be tempted to sleep in, avoiding “church” because the youth program isn’t running.  While I understand that temptation, I Hope that you will consider the potential benefits of participation.   Worshiping with both your nuclear family and your church family is a blessing to God and the larger community.  Creating opportunities for students to be exposed to the adult worship service helps them make transitions out of youth ministries later in life.  This is an important opportunity that I pray you will all take advantage of! 

On another note; on Saturday, November 22nd, Impact will be serving at Creekside Community Church in Alamo collecting boxes for Operation Christmas Child! We are excited to participate in bringing Christmas and the Gospel to children around the world. 

We are always so grateful for the students we work with and how we get to see God at work in their lives.  We are also grateful to you, their parents, who work so diligently to care for them and disciple them.  Thank you for letting us play a role in your family! 

Steve and Lisa Shreve
Ministry Team Leaders

To get more information on IMPACT events, click here to print the Winter calendar.
And if you haven't already, don't forget to fill out your students 2014-2015 year-long permission slip. (click here to print)