Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Attention Parents!

Above is the calendar that you all have received by now.


Dates to pay attention to:

Saturday, March 2nd - 30 Hour Famine

Game Night in March - we need socks donated for this fun event night!

We encourage students to bring their friends to these event nights.

Game Night in April - Any parents interested in helping prepare a spaghetti dinner?


Thursday, February 7, 2013

30HF Launch

Yesterday, Sunday Feb 3rd, we announced and launched 30 Hour Famine! Students were given their Fammy Pack which had information about the event, fundraising info, and found out if they were on Team Fish or Team Loaf. We will be collecting cans and bottles again to help raise more funds.
This year our theme is Feeding 5,000, here is the video from 30 Hour Famine:

Last year was the first time we used online donations and we were completely blown away at the great response. Students can join the Hope Center team and raise funds online, which is often easier than having to remind people to write a check. Here is the link to our donation website 

Students need to turn in $10 and have their yearlong permission slip turned in to do this event.

Paul /

Monday, February 4, 2013

Our Roller Skating Sleepover is coming up!
Saturday Feb. 16th to Sunday Feb. 17th!
We will be meeting at Hope Center at 5:30 to depart for the Golden Skate in San Ramon.  Our skating session will be from 6pm to 9pm and then we will be heading back to church for a sleep-over and snacks.  Turn in your $30 into Steve Shreve to reserve your spot.  The cost covers the skating session, skate rentals, night snacks, and continental breakfast.   Have your son/daughter eat dinner before they come or have money for food at the skating rink.
Pick up will be from Hope Center at 9:00am, which is when the regular Sunday morning youth service begins.  Questions?  Contact Steve Shreve