Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Letter from Steve

Hello parents,

                I trust that the new year finds you with a renewed eagerness and excitement to take on the challenges and tasks that 2013 has in store for us.  Here we are at the beginning of the New Year,  a time for new beginnings and renewed ideas. I would like to share with you some of the direction I feel God is leading us with Impact.

                Since the start of the new year I've been implementing Journey curriculum  into our Wednesday night Impact lessons, to familiarize students with the books of the Bible and the time line of events before beginning our lessons on Wednesday night, through the Way I'm Wired book.   As a seconded part of this teaching plan I am kicking off a Bible memory verse program, where students will be able to win prizes and get rewards and even discounts for upcoming events. This month's memory verse is the Impact key verse COLOSSIANS 2:6-7.  Students who memorize this verse before  the upcoming roller-skate sleep over (February 16th-17th) will get a Pac of 5 stick gum or Mentose candy and will enter a raffle to win a $15.00 iTunes gift card.    

Steve Shreve

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Wishing all of you a Happy New Year on this 3rd day of 2013! We hope that you have a had a wonderful Christmas season with your families. We are looking forward to this new year of ministry with your Junior Higher!

We will be starting the year off with small groups resuming on Wednesday, January 9th from 7:00pm to 8:30! As for the roller skating sleep-over on the winter calendar I am reminding you all, that this event has been postponed, due to a collage group snow retreat planned for this weekend. Since all of our volunteer staff are collage age, we felt that this time away for them to connect with fellow believers is crucial to their spiritual growth. Thanks for your understanding and watch for this sleep-over to appear on the next calendar!